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FRID Board Statement re: NAD-FAD Relations

22 Apr 2022 10:55 PM | Ava Hines FRID Secretary (Administrator)

Watch the statement in ASL

The FRID Board is aware of the current situation with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) and the Florida Association of the Deaf (FAD). Neither the NAD nor the FAD contacted The Florida Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (FRID) or their Board members regarding these topics, and FRID gave no input into any statements made. FRID strives to provide a safe space to all the communities we serve. We will continue to monitor the situation as it develops. Additionally, we invite all members of FRID to attend our next scheduled quarterly Board meeting on April 26, 2022 if they wish to make comments to the Board.  FRID continues to affirm our diversity statement located on our website as well as below:

The Florida Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (FRID) understands the necessity of multicultural awareness and sensitivity. As an organization, we are committed to diversity both within the organization and within the profession of sign language interpreting.

Our commitment to diversity stems from and reflects our understanding of present and future needs of both our organization and the profession. We recognize that in order to provide the best service among signed and spoken language interpreters, we must draw from the widest variety of society with regards to diversity in order to provide support, equity of treatment, and respect among interpreters within the FRID organization.

Accordingly, FRID defines diversity as differences which are appreciated, sought, and shaped in the form of the following categories: gender identity or expression, racial identity, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, cultural background, socioeconomic status, deaf or hard of hearing status, disability status, age, geographic locale (rural vs. urban), sign language interpreting experience, certification status and level, and language bases (e.g. those who are native to or have acquired signed and/or spoken languages, those who utilize a signed system, among those using spoken or signed languages) within both the profession of sign language interpreting and the FRID organization.

To that end, we strive for inclusion and support diversity in every area of FRID. We know that the differences that exist among people represent a 21st century population and provide for innumerable resources within the sign language interpreting field.

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