Elections are held annually. Per the FRID Bylaws (revised in 2019), the nominations and elections process are contained in the FRID Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM). The Board is still working to complete the PPM, but they have adopted the portion containing the nominations and elections process. As part of this process, "all elections for the FRID Board of Directors shall be conducted electronically via a platform vetted and approved by the Board of Directors." This year, the Board has selected Election Runner as the election platform.
For full nomination and election information, please visit the Elections page.
The following candidates have been reviewed and deemed qualified by the Nominations & Elections Committee.
Hope Diehl - Winner
Candidate Nomination Packet:
There were no nominees received for this position. If no eligible candidates are written in during the election, this position will be filled by board appointment.*
Kayla Ellison - Winner
Candidate Nomination Packet:
Mary Hoover - Winner
Candidate Nomination Packet:
Candidate BioGenaere Lowery - Winner
Candidate Nomination Packet:
There were no nominees received for this position. If no eligible candidates are written in during the election, this position will be filled by board appointment.*